Winstrol is a steroid used by bodybuilders to reduce fat mass and add moderate amounts of muscle. It doesn’t convert to estrogen and possesses diuretic properties.
Gynecomastia is caused by high levels of prolactin from anabolic steroid use. The enzyme aromatase converts a portion of testosterone to estrogen, leading to breast growth in bodybuilders.
Bodybuilders typically stack Winstrol Tablet with other anabolic steroids in a cycle that promotes muscle hypertrophy and fat loss. Unlike most other anabolic steroids, Winstrol does not convert to estrogen and does not cause gynecomastia, but it can still raise prolactin levels in some people. Adding cabergoline, which blocks prolactin, to the cycle can help control this problem.
Caber and prami are compounds that block prolactin in the same manner as Winstrol, but they also have serious psychoactive effects, and both have been linked to pulmonary fibrosis and heart disease (valvular disease). In addition, caber and prami can increase the risk of prostate cancer in some men.
Moreover, they can reduce the production of thyroid hormones (L-thyroxine and triiodothyronine). These hormones regulate metabolism, growth functions, blood flow, and development. Their lack can lead to a slowdown in bodybuilding progress.
In addition, Winstrol may increase liver toxicity, and long cycles of the drug can increase hepatic failure risks. Therefore, the use of Winstrol in conjunction with other anabolic steroids requires relatively short cycles to prevent excessive hepatotoxicity. Moreover, long cycles of Winstrol and other anabolic steroids can lower natural testosterone levels in the body, decreasing libido and requiring sufficient time off from the drugs to allow natural testosterone levels to recover. This is a toxic protocol that is not suitable for novice and intermediate users of anabolic steroids.
Time of Day
Prolactin levels change throughout the day, so it is important to have a blood test taken at a time that gives the most accurate results. If you are taking a medicine that affects prolactin levels, like anticoagulants or insulin, tell your provider before your test. Also, make sure your provider knows what other medicines and supplements you are taking.
A blood test for prolactin is painless and usually done in a doctor’s office. Your provider will take a blood sample from a vein in your arm. A small bruise may develop where the needle was inserted, but it should go away quickly.
If you have high prolactin levels, your doctor will likely recommend drug treatment to reduce them. The most common drugs used are sex hormones (like estrogen) and prolactin inhibitors. These medications prevent the brain from making and releasing prolactin. They are available only by prescription and should be used as directed.
If you have serious high prolactin levels, your doctor may suggest surgery to remove a pituitary tumor (called a prolactinoma). The operation involves cutting or shaving the pituitary gland and is usually done under local anesthesia. This treatment can help control prolactin levels and may help prevent the development of new tumors. However, it can cause side effects, such as blurred vision and headaches.
Time of Year
In women, high prolactin levels can cause episodes of swelling of the face, extremities, genitals, and intestinal wall (hereditary angioedema). Winstrol decreases the frequency and severity of these attacks. It is also used to treat hereditary angioedema in infants and children. It may be taken by mouth or given through a vein (IV). It is important to tell your doctor about any other medications you are taking, including vitamins and herbs. Some medicines can interact with Winstrol and may affect your condition or how well it works.
For men, high prolactin levels can result in erectile dysfunction and gynecomastia. To combat these side effects, Deca Durabolin cycles are often accompanied by Dostinex (cabergoline), a dopamine agonist that helps to reduce prolactin levels. Bodybuilders commonly purchase Dostinex on the black market and begin it at the start of their Deca Durabolin cycle.
A 26-year-old male bodybuilder was transported to the emergency room the day of a competition due to heart palpitations and an inability to stand. He reported having consumed 12 L of water daily and a diet low in sodium for seven days before the competition; tests revealed peaked T-waves on the electrocardiogram (ECG) consistent with hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, and rhabdomyolysis [19]. He was treated, stabilized, and discharged.
Side Effects
Winstrol is a very versatile anabolic steroid that is primarily used by bodybuilders to control prolactin. It can also be used as part of a stack with other anabolic steroids to improve results, as well as reduce side effects. Unlike some anabolic steroids, this drug does not convert to estrogen and does not cause gynecomastia in men, although it will raise prolactin levels slightly.
The active ingredient in Winstrol is stanozolol, which is an attenuated version of testosterone and increases protein anabolism, which means that the body uses proteins for energy. It also works to increase the production of the C1 inhibitor in the liver, which helps to keep the enzyme kallikrein under control and decreases the frequency and severity of HAE attacks.
However, there are many other side effects associated with stanozolol. Hepatotoxicity is very common, and long cycles or high doses of this steroid can lead to liver damage. The drug can also interact with a number of medications, including anticoagulants (blood thinners), insulin, or oral diabetes medication. It may also interfere with certain lab tests, including liver enzymes.
Winstrol has been known to cause birth defects in a fetus, and it is not recommended for pregnant women. It is also excreted in breast milk, so women who are breastfeeding should not take it. This medication may affect bone growth in children, so doctors should monitor a child’s height regularly.